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Bloodless laser surgery

Thus, a laser beam is a multiple amplified light with all its properties favorable to the human body. Surgical dentistry, like many other areas of laser application, believes that light is one of the necessary conditions for the harmonious development of a person. But light can be controlled, like other electromagnetic waves. Opportunities for this are opened by information on the wavelength of each type of light rays.
At the same time, an important achievement of medicine and, in particular, dental surgery is the creation of optical, quantum generators, which made it possible to use laser beams in practice. Not only medicine makes extensive use of laser technology as an effective tool for affecting teeth during their treatment. However, it was for healthcare that new technologies became an opportunity to make a huge leap forward and successfully cope with those diseases and disorders in the body that were previously considered destructive.
For centuries and millennia, light has played a therapeutic role for humanity. The ancient Greeks regularly took sun baths, calling them heliotherapy. Ancient Egyptians cured leukoderma with the help of the sun. But with the invention of the laser and a detailed study of the effects of the laser technique on the body of the various components of the light flux, the surgical focus on the use of light has expanded significantly.
Laser treatment of dental diseases
In surgical dentistry, laser radiation has allowed a more effective treatment of many dental diseases. In particular, surgical dentistry was able to solve those problems that previously ended with tooth extraction and irreversible changes in the jaw bones.
Laser tooth surgery is not only a justifiable tool, but also an effective way to influence tissue at the cellular level, which minimizes the invasiveness of the procedure and shortens the recovery period. Laser dental treatment is a non-contact method that excludes mechanical damage that could result from the use of traditional instruments that surgical dentistry allows in cases where particularly high accuracy of all medical procedures was required.
The use of laser technologies in dental surgery will allow the doctor to carry out the most complicated treatment almost painlessly for the patient and in absolutely sterile conditions, which meets all modern standards of dentistry. The lack of contact between the laser and body tissues, invasive interventions, instant blood clotting under the influence of the beam eliminates the likelihood of inflammation and complications after the procedure, promotes early healing. A high accuracy of laser light direction allows for previously inaccessible manipulations with thin branches of the dental canals in the field of gum surgery.
Principles of Laser Dental Surgery Efficiency
Despite the fact that any laser technology is based on the use of light waves of a certain length, there are several varieties of medical lasers. Among them:
- solid state;
- semiconductor;
- gas.
Working in a continuous pulse mode, the laser simultaneously cuts and sterilizes soft tissues, reduces discomfort during medical manipulations, and increases the sensitivity of tissues to antibiotics.
The high efficiency of a semiconductor laser makes it indispensable in areas such as:
- gum mucosal surgery;
- periodontology;
- endodontics;
- teeth whitening.
Laser operation video
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Modern dentistry, as one of the key areas of medical activity, currently adheres to the concept of gentle care, which gives patients a minimum of painful and uncomfortable sensations for the patient during treatment. In dentistry today, both invasive techniques and minimally invasive methods of treatment exist and are applied, however, gradually invasive intervention reduces its popularity and frequency of use.
First of all, the term «invasive» refers to the degree of interference in the structure of the tissues of the human body by penetrating under them using a medical tool. Simply put, all invasive procedures involve the introduction of tools, including needles, rods, etc., under the tissues of the body, in this case tooth enamel. Minimally invasive methods do not allow the destruction of enamel with the help of medical equipment and suggest treatment without deep penetration of instruments into the gums or tooth.
Surgical dentistry, as one of the leading areas in this industry, also reduces invasive practice over time, although it is quite difficult to fully implement this area.
Benefits of minimally invasive dental surgery
Minimal invasive surgery is a medical field that aims to reduce the degree of intervention in the body using third-party objects and tools, as well as reduce tissue trauma. Dental surgery is primarily interested in reducing the level of traditional surgical intervention, since the use of minimally invasive techniques will simplify the implementation of surgical procedures in the field of modern dentistry.
Minimum invasive surgical procedures have begun to be used relatively recently, however, during this time sparing techniques have gained undeniable popularity both from the point of view of specialists and from patients. In particular, they become so popular due to their comparative painlessness, and also help to avoid injuries during operations.
Our clinic actively uses various modern dental treatment techniques in medical practice, among which the minimum invasive procedures occupy a key place. Of course, minimally invasive methods in surgery, which are widely applicable in the field of dentistry, have several advantages, among which it is worth highlighting:
· Minimization of damage to the patient’s body, since practically no complex and serious interventions are carried out in the body, without sacrificing the effectiveness of surgical treatment and other procedures performed in dentistry.
· The use of ultra-thin suture materials and endoscopic equipment, which provides maximum comfort during treatment and a fairly easy rehabilitation period after treatment.
· No need for a long recovery, because all procedures, including dental operations, are carried out in our clinic as part of a single procedure.
· Lack of severe pain during operations and recovery period, which avoids the massive use of anesthetics, which are also not very useful for the human body.
· Significant reduction in the duration of the procedures.
· High therapeutic and aesthetic results after treatment.
The specialists of the dental center have an extensive wealth of knowledge in the field of progressive dentistry, as well as rich practical experience in the treatment of dental diseases even at complex stages of development. The use of advanced technological solutions, as well as modern effective methods in combination with the use of elite drugs and equipment, allows to achieve the highest possible result in dental treatment.
Surgical dentistry in Kiev
Surgical dentistry is considered a kind of «heavy artillery» in the field of dental services, because this area involves a very dramatic intervention in the condition of the teeth and oral cavity in cases where all the usual therapeutic services cannot have the desired effect and are, in fact, powerless.
Surgical dentistry in Kiev, as well as other areas of this type of medical activity, is also widely in demand and popular among the local population. Especially in great demand are procedures involving the preparation of the jaws for dental implants, since today this particular service is an indisputable favorite in modern dentistry. The clinic «European Dental Center» is ready to provide a full range of dental services at an affordable price, including services in the field of dental surgery. Today, these procedures, as well as various operations performed by our specialists, are by no means scary manipulations, but calm and measured procedures that are carried out using advanced painless methods of treating diseases of the oral cavity, which are also in advanced stages or stages of exacerbation.
Services of dental surgeons in Kiev
Professional surgical dentistry, which is an important branch of the activities of the European Dental Center, uses in practice only the most advanced, safest and most gentle methods of surgical treatment, which will not cause acute pain to the patient and will not cause discomfort for a long time after the procedure.
The ESC Clinic, together with the specialists who work in it, is ready to offer the following surgical services in the field of dentistry:
· Removal of teeth and their particles that remained in the gum after tooth loss.
· Separate procedures for the painless removal of wisdom teeth.
· Removal of cysts and granulomas in the oral cavity.
· Minimally invasive implantation.
Why remove teeth?
Of course, there are a lot of situations in which it is impossible to do without surgical tooth extraction. Some of them are common and easy to do for a doctor processes, while others can cause minor difficulties. The most common reason for tooth extraction is their destruction due to a running disease, and most often it is caries, which has reached the root part. It is also common practice to remove wisdom teeth, since quite often they cause a lot of problems along with their appearance.
Another common reason to remove a permanent tooth is a cyst, which formed on the tip of the root process of the tooth, which simply cannot be cured in any other way.
Minimally invasive technologies in surgery
Currently, many typical dental services are carried out in a new way, thanks to the improvement of medical equipment and new trends in the treatment of various diseases. In particular, dentistry, which is developing particularly actively, is putting into practice new variations in the performance of traditional manipulations. Today, minimally invasive practice is gaining popularity, which implies minimizing the invasion of third-party tools in the human body in order to influence the integrity of tissues or perform other processes.
Minimally invasive surgery is a medical field that aims to reduce the degree of intervention in the body with the help of third-party objects and tissue injury. Dental surgery is also interested in reducing the level of traditional surgical influence and is trying to simplify the implementation of surgical procedures in the field of modern dentistry. Minimally invasive technologies in surgery have begun to be used relatively recently, however, during this time sparing techniques have gained undeniable popularity both from the point of view of specialists and from the patients, because they allow avoiding injuries during operations.
Benefits of minimally invasive surgery in the field of dentistry
The modern practice of minimizing intervention in the human body, used in the field of dentistry, is based on the identification of diseases and their treatment without third-party invasion of the body, cutting the tissues of the human body. Minimally invasive technologies make it possible to diagnose pathologies as quickly as possible, and then take effective preventive and therapeutic measures, while traditional surgical intervention can be performed exclusively in the presence of superficial cavities. The principle of preserving as many natural elements of the tooth and the integument of the oral cavity as possible, as well as minimizing tissue damage during dental treatment, is based in particular on the currently available possibility of using adhesive and remineralizing agents for the restoration of teeth and oral surfaces. Minimal invasive technologies in the field of dentistry are applied on the grounds that, given the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body, the more natural tissues are affected and destroyed due to surgery, the weaker the previously healthy tissues will be.
Of course, minimally invasive technologies in surgery, which are widely applicable in the field of dentistry, have several advantages, among which:
· Minimal damage to the patient’s body, without sacrificing the effectiveness of surgical treatment and other procedures performed in dentistry.
· The use of ultra-thin suture materials and endoscopic equipment, which provides maximum comfort during treatment and a fairly easy rehabilitation period after treatment.
· No need for a long recovery, because all procedures, including dental operations, are carried out in our clinic as part of a single procedure.
· Lack of severe pain during operations and recovery period.
· Significant reduction in the duration of operations.
· Significant reduction in soft tissue trauma.
· High therapeutic and aesthetic results after treatment.
The European Dental Center uses exclusively the most advanced and innovative methods that are available to a small number of Ukrainian clinics for the treatment and implantation of teeth. Mild procedures have gained undeniable popularity, because they allow you to avoid trauma during operations, therefore, all procedures pass with us as quickly and painlessly as possible.