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Dental implants in Kiev, cost

Currently, procedures aimed at the aesthetic side of the issue of the condition of the teeth are in great demand. Surely this is based on the high interest of the modern population in maintaining an attractive appearance and correcting some of the shortcomings of the aesthetics of their own appearance. Especially when it comes to residents of large cities, among which the Ukrainian capital is the city of Kiev.

Dental implantation in Kiev is considered a popular practice, which helps to solve not only anatomical issues regarding the functioning of the dentition of the person, but also allows you to find a beautiful, white smile with even teeth, which, actually, not every modern person can boast at present.

Dental implantation in Kiev

Implantation is a process of intervention in the natural structure of the dentofacial mechanism, designed to restore missing teeth or a group of teeth by implanting artificial implants and crowns. Dental implantation, in some cases, helps not only to resume the function of chewing and correctly distribute the load with it, but also to significantly increase aesthetic indicators, giving the teeth an even shape and a neat appearance.

Dental implants in Kiev, the cost of which is currently at a fairly affordable level, are provided by qualified implant dentists at the European Dental Center Clinic. The ESC Clinic provides a service of both partial and complete prosthetics, depending on the goals pursued by the patient and the severity of the particular situation. The European Dental Center is one of the leaders in the field of dental prosthetics in Ukraine, which uses all the advanced treatment technologies in its services and puts into practice revolutionary solutions for creating and installing prostheses. Turning to us, you always get highly qualified service and a guarantee of high quality.

How much does dental implantation cost in Kiev?

Dental implantation in Kiev and its cost is an important issue today for many potential patients in the capital. The cost of the service depends on many factors and is formed on the basis of various aspects of the procedure. In Ukraine, it, first of all, depends on the complexity of a particular case, however, qualified consultation at the European Dental Center is provided to everyone free of charge. During the consultation, you can get all the necessary information regarding the feasibility of the procedure, the most optimal options in a particular case, the best dentures and accessories, as well as hear valuable recommendations on dental care, denture care, etc. Therefore, a preliminary examination from key specialists in Kiev helps a potential patient to get a clearer picture of the process of tooth restoration.

Of course, the cost of dental implantation services in Kiev is formed taking into account the following factors:

· Degree of purification of titanium from which the implant is made.

· The selected material for the crown.

· The chosen method of implantation and prosthetics.

· Technical characteristics of the implant system that will be used by the patient on an ongoing basis.

· The brand of materials and the manufacturer of components, because their prices can differ quite significantly, sometimes even several times.

· The level of complexity and simplicity of the dental implantation procedure.

Currently, the European dental center, which is the official representative of the German Association of oral implantologists in our country, is recognized as the undisputed leader among the representatives of dental services in Ukraine. Our clinic has valuable experience working with various problems related to the condition of the oral cavity and dental treatment, including in the implantology industry. Advanced technical and qualified personnel ensure the work of the institution at a high level and make it one of the key players in the medical services market of Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

A patient came to the European Dental Center complaining of a complete absence of teeth in the upper jaw. Despite the complexity of the anatomical and topographic conditions, namely the lack of bone tissue in the upper jaw, 10 implants were installed. Thanks to minimally invasive surgery, she managed to put on the third day a non-removable temporary structure, returning her chewing and partially aesthetic functions.

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Since the implants were placed on the upper jaw in those areas where the maximum amount of bone tissue was preserved, the gingival part of the implants was located at different angles (strong convergence and divergence). Permanent crowns were entrusted to me by a member of the German Oral Implantologists Association (DGOI), the authorized representative of the Global Academy of Osteointegration (GAO core member) - Denis Romanovich Shilenko. At the planning stage, it was difficult to find a way to insert the prosthesis. After out-of-mouth parallelometry, dissection was performed on the gingival part of the implants. After 2 weeks, the patient was fixed fixed metal-ceramic permanent structures (see pic. 2-3)

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Dental implantation in Kiev


Dental implantation is a procedure during which an implant is implanted in the bone of the upper or lower jaw - a metal or fiberglass rod that plays the role of an artificial tooth root and then attaches an analogue of the tooth to it - a crown. Also, an implant mounted in the jawbone serves as a stable support for removable dentures and dental bridges, as it helps the structure to be firmly fixed and not cause discomfort to its owner.

The European Dental Center uses durable dental implants from Swiss and German manufacturers. Thanks to the active use of innovative developments in the field of implantology, specialists apply during the procedure a special technology for processing the intraosseous surface and dissection of soft tissues without classical surgical intervention. The use of new variations of dental implants from leading manufacturers makes it possible to increase the possibility of the most favorable outcome from dental surgery and, in many clinical situations, apply the necessary load on the implant, i.e. install the crown immediately after the process of mounting it in the bone.


Dental implantation in Kiev: features of the procedure

Dental implantation of teeth in Kiev requires prior registration and consultation with specialists who will familiarize the patient with the procedure and its features.


The installation of an artificial implant is prescribed to patients in the case when restoration of the integrity of the dentition is required, or an instant correction of its irregularities and noticeable curvature of the teeth. Indeed, at present, dental implantation is used not only with medical prerequisites, but is also actively carried out to achieve certain aesthetic goals, when the patient needs to replace deformed teeth with straight teeth as quickly as possible without resorting to wearing orthodontic structures (plates, braces, eliners, and others )

There are certain conditions that also need to be fulfilled in the process of preparation for implantation, and the emphasis should be put on their importance. First of all, it is highly recommended that a general diagnosis of the patient’s body work be performed, which will help determine the optimal implantation methods for his particular case. This is especially true for groups of patients with various diseases and symptoms, including blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, oncology, infectious blood diseases and other pathologies, in the presence of which the procedure should be carried out more carefully, and in some cases completely canceled.

Dental implantation is a very time-consuming and multi-stage process, therefore, each patient needs to know what steps he has to go through:

· Dissection of the soft tissues of the gums and drilling of the hole.

· Implantation of the implant in the jawbone in the area of the done hole.

· Installation of a temporary crown (if possible).

· Waiting for complete tissue healing at the implant site.

· Installation of the final denture in the form of a permanent crown or bridge structure.

Specialists are ready to provide qualified assistance in resolving any dental problem as soon as possible. We are happy to provide advice on questions of interest regarding the services provided and their cost.

A patient came to our center with complaints of tooth failure in the upper jaw, partial absence of teeth in the lower jaw (see pic. 1).

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It was decided to remove all the teeth on the upper jaw and one tooth on the lower. Despite the complexity of the anatomical and topographic conditions, namely the lack of bone tissue in the upper jaw, it was possible to simultaneously install 10 implants on the upper jaw and 5 on the lower. Thanks to minimally invasive surgery, she managed to put on the third day a non-removable temporary structure (see pic. 2-3), returning her chewing and partially aesthetic functions.


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Since the implants were installed on the upper jaw in those areas where the maximum amount of bone tissue was preserved, it was located at different angles above the gingival part of the implants (strong convergence and divergence). Permanent crowns were entrusted to me - a member of the German Association of Oral Implantologists (DGOI), plenipotentiary of the Global Academy of Osteointegration (GAO core member) - Denis Romanovich Shilenko. At the planning stage, it was difficult to find a way to insert the prosthesis. After out-of-mouth parallelometry, dissection was performed on the gingival part of the implants. After 2 weeks, the patient was fixed with permanent structures made of PEEK polymer in the upper and lower jaw (see pic. 4-5)

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How much does dental implantation cost in Ukraine

For many people, a sudden loss of one or several teeth can sometimes occur, and the reasons for the loss are not of fundamental importance (with the exception of very difficult clinical cases), because despite the fact that the tooth lost its stability and fell out of the dentition, the first thing to think about is the speedy restoration of its elements. Everyone knows that even one empty place in the dentition negatively affects the overall health of the oral cavity, and also has a negative effect on the functioning of some organ systems. In such situations, the load distribution when chewing food is disturbed, and therefore the bite may be deformed. In connection with such consequences, pain and persistent uncomfortable sensations may appear, which, of course, adversely affects the daily life of a person.

To restore the integrity of the dentition will help the modern technology of dental implants, which today has the ability to almost accurately reproduce the functions of the dentofacial mechanism, as well as to renew the aesthetically attractive appearance of their teeth.

Dental restoration service: how much does dental implantation cost (Ukraine)

Dental implants, like any other medical procedure, have their contraindications and, accordingly, the purpose. Dental implantation is necessary in the following cases:

· Loss of a tooth or the presence of empty spaces in the dentition;

· Several teeth were destroyed, in such cases a more complicated implantation procedure will be required;

· Lack of chewing teeth;

· Chips or breaks on the teeth, especially the front;

· Complete absence of dentition;

· Significant deformation of some teeth, which can only be corrected by removing or turning the tooth and installing an implant / crown.

The question of how much dental implantation costs in Ukraine is very popular and interests quite a few potential patients of dental clinics. The cost of the implantation procedure depends on many factors, by evaluating which, you can provide an approximate picture for a specific situation.

Of course, dental implantation depends on:

· Degree of purification of titanium from which the implant is made and the material from which crowns and components are made.

· The selected dental implantation technique.

· Technical characteristics of the implant system that will be used by the patient on an ongoing basis.

· The specifics of the brand and the manufacturer of components, because the prices of manufacturers of similar implant designs can differ even several times.

· The level of complexity and simplicity of the dental implantation procedure.

In addition, it is worth noting that the cost of the implant implementation procedure can be roughly calculated by weighing all the options and data, but the exact price can only be found if you contact the consultants or specialists of our clinic. For example, there are complex clinical cases that are not provided for by the general price list of the institution, namely when the process will be more time-consuming and require large material costs for the manufacture of implants or prostheses. In addition, the cost can increase if the patient needs additional medical care, for example, bone growth or the installation of additional structures. Usually, the need for additional manipulations is required for patients who have passed a long time from the time of tooth extraction to implantation.

You can calculate the detailed cost of a service for a specific case by contacting our specialists for a consultation. We are also happy to provide advice on questions of interest regarding the services provided. The dental center provides dental implantation, including in difficult anatomical and topographic conditions, while providing the highest level of quality.

A patient came to the European Dental Center complaining of an almost complete absence of teeth in the upper jaw and mobility of the bridge in the lower jaw of an aesthetic and functional defect in the dentition (see pic. 1-2).

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Despite the complexity of the anatomical and topographic conditions, namely the lack of bone tissue in the upper jaw after the removal of the affected teeth, it was possible to install 11 implants in the upper jaw and 2 implants in the lower jaw; the remaining teeth were prepared and prepared. Thanks to minimally invasive surgery, on the third day, a non-removable temporary structure was installed (see pic. 3-4) on the upper and lower jaw, returning to it a chewing and partially aesthetic function.

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After 4 months, the permanent crowns were entrusted to me by a member of the German Oral Implantologist Association (DGOI), the authorized representative of the Global Academy of Osteointegration (GAO core member) - Denis Romanovich Shilenko. The complexity of the work primarily consisted in the fact that the patient put forward increased demands on the aesthetics of the dentition. After detailed coordination of the requirements for aesthetics of dentitions, impressions were taken on the manufacture of fixed bridge structures based on a zirconia framework. After 2 weeks, the patient was fixed fixed structures (see pic. 5-6).

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Picture 6

One-Stage Dental Implants

Loss of teeth is one of the most significant problems for the modern population, because their absence not only negatively affects the aesthetic state of a person, but also exacerbates the general well-being, as it causes a lot of inconvenience, constraint and discomfort. In addition, the absence of teeth disrupts the functional functioning of the dentofacial system, which, in turn, can adversely affect the work of many other organs. Modern dentistry, of course, today presents the opportunity to extremely quickly restore the correctness of the dentition, while ensuring maximum comfort for the patient.

Currently, the European Dental Center, which is the official representative of the German Association of Oral Implantologists in our country, is recognized as one of the undisputed leaders among the representatives of dental services in Ukraine. The dental institution practices the implementation of the latest technologies in the field of implantology, and also carries out the procedure in a one-step order. The ESC Clinic has valuable experience working with various problems related to the condition of the oral cavity and dental treatment, including in the implantology industry. Professional skills of specialists allow to carry out the procedure of tooth restoration in an emergency, while ensuring the highest possible effect.

Benefits of One-Stage Dental Implantation

Immediate implantation is the most popular dental service at the present time, allowing patients to quickly eliminate problems associated with loss or serious dental diseases. The installation of one-stage implants is a relatively new technology in the field of dental prosthetics, which is distinguished by its painlessness and effectiveness. In addition to the traditional method of implant implantation, which is carried out through surgical intervention (incision of the soft tissue of the gum with a scalpel), the European Dental Center is currently actively developing the practice of simultaneous laser implantation, which is considered to be more sparing and has a facilitated rehabilitation period.

Single-stage dental implants allow the implant to be inserted during the same procedure as tooth extraction. Immediately after the tooth is removed, all of these fragments are eliminated, and the necessary gum section is processed, the specialist drills the hole into which the screw implant is mounted. After applying the laser beam to dissect the soft tissue of the gums before installing the implant, the place where the procedure was performed heals much faster than after traditional surgery. In order to anesthetize the clinic, the European Dental Center practices computer anesthesia, and therefore one-stage dental implants are installed as painlessly and bloodless as possible.

Among the key advantages that the installation of one-stage implants presents, in addition to the speed of the service, it is also worth highlighting:

· Ability to provide maximum aesthetic results.

· Minimum risk of injury and infection of tissues.

· Lack of several surgical interventions, less anesthesia and other injections.

· Ensuring comfort for patients during the rehabilitation period.

· Elimination of masticatory function disorders.

· The ability to install a permanent prosthesis in record time.

As the undisputed leader among dentists in Kiev, our clinic was one of the first to apply the one-stage dental implantation procedure. Our specialists are able to carry out the entire implantation procedure in one surgical procedure. It is worth emphasizing that all operations are performed by the head doctor of our clinic, the only expert in Ukraine of the international Association of oral implantologists Vadim Klimentyev. Implantation is carried out immediately after tooth extraction, which significantly saves the patient’s time and speeds up the healing process of the area with the implant, which makes it possible to restore the tooth as quickly as possible.

A patient came to the dental center complaining of mobility of the bridge of ceramic-metal prosthesis in the upper jaw (see pic. 1). The moving teeth were removed, and the holes were cleaned with an erbium laser. Despite the complexity of the anatomical and topographic conditions, 10 implants were installed. Thanks to minimally invasive surgery, the patient managed to put on the third day non-removable temporary structures on the upper and lower jaw (see pic. 3-4), returning the chewing and aesthetic functions.

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After 4 months, it was decided to replace the temporary permanent structures. Permanent crowns were entrusted to me - a member of the German Association of Oral Implantologists (DGOI), plenipotentiary of the Global Academy of Osteointegration (GAO core member) - Denis Romanovich Shilenko. At the planning stage, it was difficult to find a way to insert the prosthesis. After out-of-mouth parallelometry, dissection was performed on the gingival part of the implants. After 2 weeks, fixed permanent structures made of PEEK polymer were installed to the patient (see Fig. 4-6). After some time, the patient plans to re-apply to the clinic to solve the aesthetic and functional problems by means of simultaneous basal implantation.

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One-stage basal implants

The technique of basal implantation today is considered one of the most popular in the context of tooth restoration and prosthetics in Ukraine and neighboring countries. On the territory of our country, it has found application relatively recently, however, despite this, it has already managed to gain a high level of popularity among the hearts of domestic patients. This technique has a huge number of advantages, compared with more traditional and typical practices in the field of implantology. In Ukraine, the technology of basal implantation is still not used by a very large number of clinics, but still everyone can get this service by contacting professional dentists in Kiev and other cities.

The European Dental Center is one of the most popular and highly professional medical institutions in the field of dentistry and implantology. Our clinic is actively practicing the introduction of the latest technologies in its activities and one of the first to apply them to its patients. As the only official representative and partner of the Association of Oral Implantologists in Germany in Ukraine, our dental center gets the opportunity to constantly gain new experience in the field of implantology in Europe, as well as to be aware of all the new products and trends in the field of modern dentistry. One of the first in the country, our specialists began to apply laser and basal implantation technologies, using single-stage basal implants, which gave domestic patients the opportunity to restore their extracted teeth as quickly and painlessly as possible.

What are basal implants?

This procedure is considered one of the most operational and comfortable among dental implantation services and allows you to install new dentures as quickly and as painlessly as possible. One of the key features of this type of implantation is that there is the possibility of carrying out the procedure in a single-stage order. One-stage basal implants are installed during one procedure, almost immediately after the removal of the damaged tooth. The implantation procedure using basal technology involves the simultaneous installation of implants and combines a number of complex and time-consuming processes, such as drilling a hole in the jawbone, processing tissues in a tooth extraction site, and performing dissection of soft tissues (most often using modern laser technology) and, actually, mounting the implant in the jaw.

Basal implants - this is a very specific design, which is tightly embedded in the jawbone and serves as the basis for the further installation of the crown or bridge prosthesis. Basal implants are structures that are fixed in the spongy layer of the bone and are characterized by wider turns than in classical implants. They condense (compact) the bone, thereby preventing its resorption. The advantage of basal implantation is the possibility of fixing the implants in a loose bone, which allows you to resume a lost tooth even in cases where the installation of traditional implants is not possible. This makes it much more comfortable and less costly in terms of time, in comparison with other methods. One-stage basal implants can also be used in difficult anatomical conditions, which favorably distinguishes the procedure from other dental services. ESC was one of the first in Ukraine to start providing one-stage basal implantation services, and today our clinic is deservedly considered a leader in this field of services.

    A patient came to the European Dental Center complaining of an aesthetic and functional tooth defect in the upper and lower jaw (see pic. 1-2).

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It was decided to remove all existing teeth, followed by simultaneous implantation. Thanks to minimally invasive surgery, it was possible to put on the third day non-removable temporary structures (see pic. 3-4) returning her chewing and partially aesthetic functions.

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Permanent crowns were entrusted to me by a member of the German Oral Implantologists Association (DGOI), the authorized representative of the Global Academy of Osteointegration (GAO core member) - Denis Romanovich Shilenko. After out-of-mouth parallelometry, preparation was performed over the gingival part of the implants and impressions were taken on the manufacture of permanent crowns on the upper and lower jaws. After 2 weeks, the patient was fixed fixed structures based on the frame of zirconium dioxide (see pic. 5-6).

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