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International Symposium "European Standards for Dental Patient Care" with the support of the main sponsor - European Dental Center.

As part of the international symposium, opened by the rector of P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Yuriy Voronenko, key aspects of dentistry reform in Ukraine were discussed. The main goal of the event is to draw the attention of medical professionals and scientists to current industry issues and determine strategic development directions. This event received coverage in Ukrainian and German press.


November 6-7 at the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. P. Shupika held a scientific and practical symposium with the international participation of “European standards for the treatment of dental patients”. The European Dental Center, the representative of the German Association of Oral Implantologists (DGOI) in Ukraine, acted as the general sponsor of the meeting. At the opening ceremony of the symposium was attended the full-time assistant to the Minister of Health, MP VII convocation Roman Ilyk, acting director of the medical department of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Vasily Kravchenko, rector of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P. Shupika academician Yuri Voronenko. Honorary guests (as well as speakers who spoke during the symposium) were Paul Weigl, Professor of the University of Frankfurt, and Fred Bergmann, President of the German Association of Oral Implantologists (DGOI).


The symposium was opened by the rector of NMAPE named after P. L. Shupik, academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, professor Yuriy Voronenko. Welcoming the guests, he drew attention to the fact that now more than ever it is relevant to determine the further ways of development of Ukrainian health care. Addressing the participants of the symposium, Roman Ilyk noted that the main purpose of the symposium is to attract the attention of physicians and scientists to the problems associated with the reform of the dental industry, to determine the development of dentistry in Ukraine. Acting Director of the Medical Department of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Vasily Kravchenko wished the symposium success and expressed confidence that his work would help in reforming Ukrainian dentistry.

Roman Ilyk spoke about the need to reform Ukrainian dentistry


The relevance of the meeting is underlined even by the fact that, according to the Ministry of Health, our country ranks first in Europe in the prevalence of dental diseases: 92% of Ukrainian teenagers have caries (in Western Europe, 40%), and 100% are older 40 years - periodontitis.
The general tasks currently facing the Ukrainian healthcare system were outlined in his speech by the Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the head of the sector of science and innovation of the Office for Coordination of Reform Centers, a corresponding member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Alexander Volosovets.

“The first part of the symposium is dedicated to the provision of dental care to the population. In the strategic plan, we are on the verge of determining what such assistance should be, what is the role of the state in it. Therefore, we are looking for ways and frameworks of partnership between the public and private sectors. The issues of training specialists, their internship, postgraduate education were also considered. - explained the director of the Institute of Dentistry NMAPE Alexei Pavlenko. - The second part presents the German Association of Oral Implantologists (DGOI). Our colleagues acquainted with their adopted system of training, licensing, accreditation. Since German dentistry is traditionally considered fundamental, we intend to implement some of their achievements into our practice, if possible. ”



"This fits perfectly into the national process of European integration. Today Ukraine is just beginning to begin its own quality system of dentistry. So the symposium is extremely useful for the future of our healthcare. I am grateful to the organizers for this opportunity. I want to wish the symposium was only the beginning."


Vladislav Malanchuk, head. Department of Surgical Dentistry NMU them. A. Bogomolets, corresponding member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, professor




The rector of NMAPE Professor Yuriy Voronenko, welcoming the participants, drew attention to the fact that now it is more relevant than ever to decide on further ways of development of Ukrainian healthcare


Irina Mazur, professor of dentistry at NMAPE, explained that our own model of education has already been created in Ukraine, which allows graduating good specialists. “They can compete with any foreign colleagues. But time makes its own adjustments. Technology is advancing at a very fast pace. Every two years, the entire array of medical information is updated. It is impossible to catch up with modern universities at such a pace. Especially in Ukraine, in the current situation. This symposium showed that our education model is beautiful. But there is not enough material and technical base. There are not enough simulation rooms where the student, before approaching the patient, practices all the skills. And the level of material and technical base that our colleague from Frankfurt demonstrated in his report is a demonstration of what we need to strive for, ”says Irina Mazur.

Professor Pavlenko noted that in order to translate any intentions into life, initiators are always needed - those people who will work on their implementation, enthrall others. Today, those who seek to introduce new methods into our medicine have already established the Ukrainian Association of Oral Implantologists.

We strive to increase the overall level of Ukrainian dentistry. To do this, we implement training programs for doctors, arrange meetings like the one you are attending today. ”
Vadim Klimentyev, head doctor of the European Clinic.



Fred Bergmann, President of the German Association of Oral Implantologists (DGOI), described the European Dental Patient Standards Symposium as an excellent example of international exchange of views and knowledge. “I hope my lecture will help to establish new standards of dentistry in your country. I want to thank you for the invitation to the symposium “European Dental Center”. He does a lot to convey the European experience in Ukraine. Today's meeting is a confirmation of this, ”said Fred Bergman.

According to Professor Paul Weigl, he took part in a well-organized event. “I made a presentation on“ Undergraduate and postgraduate dental education, including specialization in implantology (current German and European standards) ”and saw how much interest he aroused in the audience. I am convinced that, using our experience, Ukraine will soon rise to the level of dental care and specialist training achieved in Europe, ”concluded Mr. Weigl.



During the symposium, the journalist was able to communicate with its participants - those who filled a spacious audience in NMAPE. According to the chief dentist of the Kiev region Vasily Rybak, during such meetings, Ukrainian dentists are introduced to the experience and knowledge of their colleagues from Western Europe, and then use the acquired knowledge throughout the country. “Our dentists got a great chance to see a different level of dentistry. We see that state institutions and the private sector must work together for the health of our people, ”says Vasily Rybak.

Head of the Department of Surgical Dentistry NMU them. A. Bogomolets, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Vladislav Malanchuk noted that the symposium helped all those present to better understand how the healthcare system is organized and functions in developed countries and how specialists are trained. “This fits perfectly into the nationwide process of European integration. I want to draw your attention to the fact that today Ukraine is just starting its way to its own dentistry quality system. So the symposium is extremely useful for the future of our health care. I am grateful to the organizers for the opportunity. I want to wish that the symposium was only the beginning, ”Professor Malanchuk commented on what was happening.

According to the head of the Department of Surgical Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry of the Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Professor Irina Lesova, Ukrainian public health services are currently facing great tasks in organizing high-quality medical care: “The symposium brings clarity to the organization of dentistry and prepares steps to reorganize the industry. And also allows you to formulate treatment standards. It was very useful to learn about the experience of invited colleagues from Germany. ”

Director of the Institute of Dentistry A. Pavlenko presented certificates to Guests from Germany - professors Paul Weigl and Fred Bergman