Today, each patient who wondered: “Where to treat teeth?” Has a unique opportunity to use the computer diagnostics technology in the ECC, which allows to correctly distribute the masticatory load, and also to determine the ideal contact of the teeth on the upper and lower jaw. The computer system for the detection and analysis of premature dental contacts T-Scan has no analogues in the world.

Improper distribution of chewing load and premature contact of teeth on the upper and lower jaw can lead to undesirable consequences:
- pathological abrasion of teeth;
- early tooth loss;
- deformations and inflammatory diseases of the temporomandibular joint;
- chips on crowns made of cermet, zirconium oxide and other types of orthopedic structures;
- a significant reduction in the life of various orthopedic structures;
- shortening the life of prostheses on implants.
A special computer program allows you to analyze the situation in the patient's oral cavity for several very important positions:
- the degree of distribution of chewing load on the upper and lower jaw;
- identification of premature contact between antagonist teeth;
- the accuracy of the masticatory muscles;
- closing time of the dentition;
- pathological movements of the dentition.
T-Scan allows you to identify premature contacts, as well as to identify teeth that are not involved in the distribution of chewing load. Chips of ceramics occur mainly due to inadequate chewing load in a certain area of the dentition. Due to the highest accuracy in determining all parameters of occlusal contacts, we can talk about improving the processes of osseointegration of implants and the durability of restorations on these structures.
It is also necessary to remember that the use of T-Scan is possible as well as a preventive method for early detection of improper distribution of chewing load.
A good option is where to treat your teeth!