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Scientific Article by the Chief Physician of the European Dental Center Published on the DGOI Portal

The Chief Physician of the European Dental Center, Vadim Georgievich Klimentyev, presented a study on dental implantation in the atrophic posterior part of the mandible, and published an article in the journal of the German Association of Oral Implantologists (DGOI). The study emphasizes the problems associated with jaw anatomy limitations, especially in cases of tooth loss in the posterior regions. Chief Physician of the European Dental Center Klimentyev V.G. suggests a method of implant placement at an angle to avoid complications such as damage to the inferior alveolar nerve. The study also supports the effectiveness of immediate and early loading of fixed dental prostheses on implants.

Overall conclusion: the use of angled dental implants expands the possibilities of dental implantation, reduces rehabilitation time, and achieves long-term results.


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