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Treatment of tooth canals with calcium

The root of the tooth is its main part, which is located deep in the gums, located in a special funnel in the jaw, called the alveoli. Inside the root, there is a bone canal, where the vessels and nerves are located. Part of the root of the tooth together with nerves and blood vessels is called the pulp.
Often, root canal disease causes acute pain, so it is easy to detect, however, many patients do not pay attention to the pain syndrome and often delay the doctor's visit. Such a light-hearted attitude can cause a number of complications when it is difficult to save a tooth.
Diseases of the root of the tooth occur in cases of infection of its tissues, which can occur for the following reasons:
· Damage to the tooth as a result of trauma;
· Bacterial penetration into the root of the tooth due to large-scale caries spread;
· Infectious gum disease or improper treatment.
Regardless of the causes, damage to the root canals of the tooth requires immediate medical intervention, as the running situation can significantly damage and cause a lot of negative consequences, after which the tooth will probably have to be removed completely.

Methods of treatment of tooth canals

Of course, in our time there are a huge number of different effective methods that can qualitatively treat any dental disease. As for the treatment of the root canals of the tooth, laser treatment and treatment of the tooth canals with calcium are considered one of the most effective and painless.
In the process of treating the root canals of the tooth, calcium is often used, or rather copper-calcium hydroxide, which is introduced into the channels of the diseased tooth using a special device — a canal filler. A paste-like substance fills the channels and thereby blocks infection and bacteria from entering them. In parallel, sometimes a weak electric effect on the tooth can be carried out, which will allow the substance to penetrate deeply into the cavity of each channel and fill it as tightly as possible. This technique is used as antibacterial and therapeutic, as it is carried out before the final obstruction of the dental canals. The tooth, in the canals of which this calcium mixture was introduced, is temporarily sealed and remains under the influence of a substance for some time, after which it is washed out of the canals, the cavity is dried with a powerful air-alcohol jet and restored with more dense materials on an ongoing basis.
Like any medical procedure, treatment of tooth canals with calcium has its own indications. They are used as a means for the treatment of acute forms of periodontitis, chronic apical periodontitis, removal of cysts and granulomas on the root processes of the tooth, and also prevents the destruction of the root of the tooth, or rather, bone resorption.
Chemical compounds that include calcium are used to treat teeth in the following order:
· The substance, calcium hydroxide, which initially has a powdery state, is mixed to a paste-like consistency based on distilled water or glycerin;
· After the tooth channel has been carefully instrumented and medically treated, a calcium-containing solution is injected into its cavity;
· In order for the substance to be as close as possible to the dentin of the cavity in the root of the tooth, the preparation is compacted using a paper pin and then temporarily sealed. During the period set by the dentist, the patient carries the substance in his tooth, after which it is removed, and the tooth channels are clogged with a composite.
Our clinic uses the method of condensation of gutta-percha using computer control and a laser beam as part of the procedure. Using gentle modern techniques allows us to guarantee high quality treatment and excellent results.

Laser treatment of tooth canals

In modern dentistry, various innovations are quite actively applied, among which innovative solutions and methods of treating common problems, the latest equipment and, of course, all this only positively affects the development of this sphere. Various progressive solutions and innovative technologies that can significantly simplify any procedure, making it quick, comfortable and almost painless, significantly raise the rating of a medical institution, making it a respected clinic that uses advanced solutions and inventions in its activities.
Modern dental clinics often acquire the latest equipment for operations and other manipulations, and the use of laser equipment has become particularly popular. It not only simplifies the process of dental intervention, but also is multifunctional and universal for various areas of this field.
European Dental Center is a progressive and modern clinic in Kiev. During the term of working with laser equipment, as well as the use of new methods of treatment and dental implantation, our specialists were able to gain experience in this field, which guarantees a high result and European quality of services.

Laser dentistry

As you know, the laser beam in dentistry is used in many ways. Of course, in the first place it is surgery, because it is with the help of a laser that specialists and patients manage to avoid significant surgical intervention, which is performed by cutting tissue with a scalpel and other cutting equipment. Classical surgical interventions quite often cause pain and heavy bleeding, while laser treatment is not only less invasive, but also virtually painless.
Laser technology is also a popular solution for aesthetic dentistry, since a high-quality dental cleaning of tartar and obsolete deposits, quick and painless treatment and prevention of various periodontal diseases, whitening and lightening of tooth enamel, as well as cleaning it in hard-to-reach places are performed using a laser. at the joints of teeth, plastic of the frenulum of the lips and tongue, the healing of herpetic eruptions on the mucosa, cracks and injuries of soft tissues and many other procedures.
A feature of laser dentistry is the antibacterial and healing effect, which allows for maximum sterility. That is why one of the most common ways to use a laser is to process and sterilize the root canal of the tooth using an accurate beam.
Laser treatment of tooth canals is a highly effective procedure that provides a lasting effect and the most complete cleansing of healthy tooth tissues from damaged teeth, while healthy tissues are virtually not damaged, as is often the case with mechanical preparation and treatment. The root canals of the tooth are thin, sinuous cavities, which are quite difficult to clean using conventional techniques. The laser beam, in turn, has the ability to get into the most inaccessible places and carefully process them, while providing a strongly disinfecting property, and also helps to heal tissues and polish the tooth integument. Laser treatment of tooth canals will allow you to treat the root cavity as quickly as possible and at the same time make it completely painless, which is suitable even for children.
Various dental diseases can provoke discomfort and further destruction of the elements of the dentition. Such situations always cause discomfort, as they often cause permanent or pulsating pain syndromes. The presence of unpleasant sensations, pain and burning in the area of ​​one tooth or in the entire oral cavity is the first reason for seeking help from a professional dentist urgently. As part of the examination, the specialist will certainly identify the focus of the disease, its cause and prescribe an effective treatment plan for each specific case.
Unfortunately, as practice shows, it is not always that when the first signals about the disease occur, we run to see a doctor, because we either do not have enough time, or we reassure ourselves that this is a temporary phenomenon and the pain will soon pass. It is a negligent attitude to the health of one’s teeth that can cause complicated variants of common diseases, such as caries and infections, and if timely assistance could stop their development in the initial stages, neglected diseases in acute stages get to its root. In such a situation, the treatment process requires a particularly responsible approach, since insufficient cleansing of the affected tooth areas and improper treatment of its canals can cause a response in the form of complications, leading to its complete damage and further removal.

Treatment of tooth canals (Ukraine): features of the procedure and effectiveness

Tooth root or endodont is a complex of pulp and dentin, which together with the vessels and nerves create the root system of the tooth. The root complex is responsible for the connection of the tooth, or rather, its crown with other elements of the body. Root treatment, or treatment of the root canal, combines several procedures that together can eliminate the foci of infection and thereby help save the entire tooth. The treatment process consists of the following steps:
• Pulp removal;
• Cleaning the root cavity, abrasive and mechanical cleaning of tissues and disinfection of the root canal;
• Formation of new channels inside the tooth;
• Obturation of root canals;
• Restoration of the upper layers of the tooth, restoration of the aesthetic appearance of enamel.
The restoration of the proper condition of the dental canals in the European Dental Center is carried out using modern premium equipment, as well as the most effective methods. It is thanks to such a competent approach that the process occurs promptly, with minimal pain. The price in Ukraine for the treatment of tooth root canals is quite low and directly depends on the technique used and the category of materials used. We use the method of gutta-percha condensation using computer control and lasers as part of the procedure.
Regarding the treatment of root canals, our clinic uses only high-class safe materials for disinfecting tooth canals from bacteria, as well as elite preparations for restoration. Filling the tooth canals with composite material is carried out using durable and safe components that are easily biocompatible with oral tissues. They densely fill the cavity, sealing it and preventing further infection. Materials from leading European suppliers are durable, over time they do not shrink, deform and retain their properties for decades.

Root canal treatment in children

Despite the downward trend in the incidence of caries in children, there is still the prospect that children's teeth may be affected by the disease. Children's dentistry helps to cope with these problems quickly and painlessly to the maximum, using only advanced methods of treatment and prevention of both permanent teeth in children and milk. The preservation of temporary teeth in the proper form in the dentition is an important task that lies on the shoulders of pediatric dentists, as it is necessary for the correct development of the jaws in the child, as well as for forming their interest in maintaining healthy teeth. Based on the foregoing, in the treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis is a disease of the root system of the tooth, it is fundamentally important to rationally apply technologies for the restoration of milk teeth, which will help:
· Preserve milk chewing teeth, cure them of caries and give them proper appearance until the replacement of the milk tooth is permanent.
· Prevent the formation of a bad habit, for example, rubbing, with the tongue of the place where the milk tooth fell out, which prevents the emergence of a new, permanent;
· Maintain the correct load during the process of chewing food and the correct chewing function;
· Giving aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Features of root canal treatment in children

As you know, the process of dental treatment in children implies the completion of not only a number of therapeutic processes, but also is based on the psychological impact on the child. Obviously, most children are panicky afraid of the dentist, and with proper preparation of the patient for tooth extraction, intense fear and panic attacks in the child can be avoided. Without the knowledge of the dentist regarding the age-related characteristics of child psychology, it will be quite difficult for him to communicate with the child and encourage him to carry out medical teams.
It is worth noting that treatment of the root canals of milk teeth or permanent teeth in children will require appropriate preparation of the child for local anesthesia and in the future, the doctor always takes into account the psychological state of the small patient.
Before dental treatment, the child directly experiences a storm of emotions and fears, and for him this moment is characteristic:
· Psycho-emotional overstrain, which is a key reason for further easing the intensity of pain.
· Increasing the level of protection for the child's body from unwanted interference;
· High possibility of receiving an inadequate response from the child during treatment.
When treating timid children, it is fundamentally important to limit the feeling of panic fear as much as possible and try to make the procedure as easy as possible in her particular case. As the experience of advanced dental clinics that provide pediatric dentistry services shows, all processes must be carried out as carefully as possible, using gentle methods.
The presence of infections in the oral cavity of the child, which affects the crown and root of the tooth, albeit milk, cause tissue necrosis, which leads to many negative consequences in the future. An infection that has entered the root canal can pass into the near-root tissue and damage the bone at the base of the tooth. Without timely treatment, the tooth will most likely have to be removed, however, if you visit the doctor on time and cure the root canal, you can get rid of the infection and save the tooth, and doing so is almost painless and very comfortable.
Pediatric dentistry at the European Dental Center implies high-quality treatment, painlessness and less trauma.

Endodontics under the microscope in Kiev

Endodontics is a specific dental science about the treatment of the root part of the tooth, which is one of the most complex and time-consuming in the field of therapeutic dentistry. The difficulty in treating endodontics is that almost all of its internal areas are invisible to the human naked eye. Therefore, in the process of diagnosis and treatment, it is impossible to do without professional quality equipment.
In most cases, the treatment of the endodont, that is, the tooth root and the tissues adjacent to it, is carried out using specialized magnifying equipment, in particular, a microscope. Microscopic endodontics in Kiev is a popular medical service that allows you to thoroughly analyze the condition of the tooth from the inside, as well as the condition of the root system. After a detailed examination of the tooth root, the treatment is carried out directly — cleaning the internal tissues from carious and infected areas, disinfection of the cavity and obstruction of the canals, as well as restoration of the tooth with photopolymer material.

Endodontics in Kiev

Endodontic treatment under a microscope and without it, or treatment of a tooth canal, combines several procedures that together can eliminate the foci of infection and thereby help save the tooth. The treatment process consists of the following processes:
• Pulp removal;
• Cleansing the root cavity, disinfection of the root canal;
• Formation of new tooth channels;
• Obturation of formed channels;
• Restoration of the upper layers of the tooth, restoration of the aesthetic appearance of enamel.
Each of these stages also needs to be carefully monitored, and therefore the tissues and treated areas are examined using microscopes or other magnifying equipment.
Inflammation in the root region of the tooth is a very dangerous pathology that promises further loss, or infection of other teeth. In the case when the infection enters the tooth cavity and affects the pulp, urgent removal is required, that is, the removal of all nerves of the tooth, and sometimes even the complete removal of the tooth is a necessary measure.
Most often, diseases of the root canal of the tooth cause acute pain, therefore it is not difficult to identify them, however, many patients do not pay due attention to pain and often delay with going to the doctor. Such a frivolous attitude can entail a number of complications when it will be very difficult to save a tooth. Dental root diseases occur in cases of infection of its tissues, which can occur for the following reasons:
• Tooth damage as a result of injury;
• The penetration of bacteria into the root of the tooth due to the large-scale spread of caries;
• Infectious diseases of the gums or their improper treatment.
In cases of infection of the root of the tooth and pulp, root canal cleaning and complex treatment are required, and then qualified specialists will help save the tooth. The symptomatology of tooth diseases is known to most people: these are sharp pulsating, aching pains from temperature changes, permanent painful sensations without any external influences, as well as increased body temperature, bad breath and swelling in the area of ​​the affected tooth. Having identified at least one of these symptoms, the patient should immediately consult a doctor. Sometimes damage to the root of the tooth and pulp proceed without obvious symptoms until a certain stage, so it is extremely important to carry out periodic preventive examinations at the dentists.