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Minimally invasive dental caries treatment

Due to many factors that directly or indirectly affect the health and condition of a person, it is teeth that are among the first to suffer. Every person from time to time makes gross mistakes, which ultimately negatively affect their condition. Bad habits, poor nutrition, inadequate care, as well as diseases of the bones or the gastrointestinal tract — all this in one way or another destroys our teeth, arouses the formation of various diseases of the oral cavity or even tooth loss.
Caries is undeniably the most common and common problem in patients of completely different age groups. Caries is a disease that occurs as a result of exposure to negative factors on tooth enamel, such as infections in the oral cavity, microcracks of enamel penetrated by bacteria, demineralization of tooth tissue, and more. Caries causes a decrease in the amount of minerals in tooth enamel, in connection with which it softens and loses its integrity. Caries is the root cause of dark voids in tooth enamel and dentin, and if you do not resort to timely treatment, complications arise in the form of gum inflammation, tooth root and its complete destruction, which will lead to tooth extraction.

Minimally invasive methods for treating dental caries

Modern dentistry offers an extensive list of procedures aimed at treating caries at different stages of its development. Among them, there are both invasive techniques and minimally invasive methods for treating caries. What is the essence of invasive and minimally invasive methods?
First of all, the term «invasive» refers to the degree of interference in the structure of the tissues of the human body by penetrating under them using a medical tool. Simply put, all invasive procedures involve the introduction of tools, including needles, rods, etc., under the tissues of the body, in this case tooth enamel. Minimally invasive methods do not allow the destruction of enamel with the help of medical equipment and suggest treatment without deep penetration of instruments into the gums or tooth.
For the treatment of caries, modern doctors choose different procedures that are designed to affect the focus of the disease, while minimally affecting the integrity of the tooth tissue in the nearest areas. Thanks to the dynamic development of therapeutic dentistry, today patients have the opportunity to cure a damaged tooth and get rid of the effects of caries as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Modern dentistry involves various minimally invasive methods of treating caries in patients of different age groups, including:
· Laser therapy is one of the most advanced methods of treating teeth for damage. This minimally invasive method of treating caries is very popular in Europe, however, it has gained widespread use in Ukraine relatively recently, and the European Dental Center was one of the first in Kiev to provide laser treatment services. Laser treatment for tooth decay is completely painless and also fairly quick. The main advantage of laser therapy is that there is no risk of damage to the enamel, since microcracks do not form as a result of irradiation. Also, laser treatment in almost 100% of cases eliminates the occurrence of relapses.
· Treatment of caries with ozone. Ozonation helps prevent tooth decay due to its high antibacterial properties. Ozone suppresses the vital activity of all pathogenic bacteria, penetrating deep into the foci of caries. In this case, the effect of ozone is directed only to the affected areas, healthy tissues are not processed.
· Infiltration — a method that is based on the use of a gel with a powerful active substance that is applied to damaged tooth tissue. The action of the gel literally “dissolves” the damaged tissue, and after receiving the proper effect, the places of use of the gel are dried using a powerful jet of air with ethanol.
· Air-abrasive therapy involves the cleansing of areas destroyed by caries using a high-precision ultra-fine jet of fine “grains of sand" — alumina microspheres, which are released by a strong stream of air under high pressure.
The European Dental Center actively uses various innovative and modern dentistry techniques in medical practice, among which the minimally invasive methods of caries treatment are the leading ones. The specialists of the dental center have an extensive wealth of knowledge in the field of advanced dentistry, as well as rich practical experience in the treatment of dental diseases even at complex stages of development. The use of advanced technological solutions, as well as modern effective methods in combination with the use of elite drugs and equipment, allows achieving the highest possible result in dental treatment.